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Vote Boxes

Academic Senate 
Elections 2022


Vote Boxes

November 23 - Wednesday:10:00 - 17:00

November 24 - Thursday: 10:00 - 15:00 


- Faust House (Karlovo Nam. 40)

- Institute of Scientific Information (Library Building)

- Physiology Department (Albertov 7)

- Faculty Hospital Bulovka
- Thomayerova Hospital

- Military Hospital

- FN Motol Hospital

General Information

The senate... the legislative organ of the faculty. It works together with the dean and the rest of the administration. composed of two chambers. The Student chamber and Academic chamber. Every 3 years all students and academics at the faculty vote for the candidates which they would want as their representatives. There are 15 members in each chamber. often focused on ratifying and debating motions put forward by other parts from the administration, but may also bring forth its own motions.

...meetings are held in Czech.

What is the Academic Senate?

Alarm Clock
Location Mark

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MEDSOC supports a variety of candidates, who are all fluent in Czech and all have international experience. 

As an organisation, founded to represent the English parallel of LF1, but with the interests of the entire faculty on our mind, we believe that these candidates best represent the wishes, ambition, and experiences of our student body.

We have a mix of teachers and students, experiences senators and newbies, upper years and lower years, who can all debate in the Senate with fluent Czech.

Who does MEDSOC support?

Medsoc Candidates


MUDr. Mikuláš Mlček

Centre for Medical Simulations

Raska Otakar IMG_4492.jpg

MUDr. Otakar Raška

Department of Pathophysiology


MUDr. Karel Klíma

Department of Stomatology


Andrea Arnold

2nd Year GM
English Parallel


Mirka Verbat

4th Year GM
English Parallel


William Lytle

5th Year GM

English Parallel


Andrea Rashovska

4th Year GM
Czech Parallel


Maximilian Woellersdorfer

4th Year Dentistry
English Parallel



1st Year GM
English Parallel

Endorsed Independent Candidates

Anchor 1

5th Year GM

Czech Parallel


5th Year GM

Czech Parallel

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